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 Fri Apr 19, 2024, 12:32 pm
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We are a group of 21 people (age 30-65, both inexperienced to experienced hikers) visiting Reine in the beginning of September 2016.

We are thinking about the following hiking route:


We will start around 9am from Moskenesvågen and be no later than 7pm in Sørvågen.

How many hours will the whole trip take in total? And how difficult is it? Will everyone in the group be able to hike even Munken?

We were thinking about having lunch at Munkebu (or Munken if good weather).

For some of us (maybe 4-5 people) who would like an extented trip, is it enough time to hike Hermannsdalstinden (after lunch) as well (we need to be back in Sørvågen no later than 7pm)?

Since this is our first time in Moskenes, we need some help from hikers that are familiar with the area.

Any help is highly appreciated :-)



2 0
Thu Jul 14, 2016, 11:21 am

Hi Tor,

We are thinking about the following hiking route:


We will start around 9am from Moskenesvågen and be no later than 7pm in Sørvågen.

How many hours will the whole trip take in total? And how difficult is it? Will everyone in the group be able to hike even Munken?

The way up to Munken is not difficult, but it is a quite long walk (6 or 7 hours walk in total for "normal" fit people without the pauses). The terrain is not very difficult as there is a good path all the way up to the sumit, marked at some places with small stone cairns ("varder" in norwegian), and some red paint.

By leaving at 9:00am, you will be at munke-bu or at the sumit of munken around 12:00 or 13:00 depending on how many stops you do along the way.

I think the way up to Munken is suitable for medium trained people. And if someone is to tired, it is always possible to wait at Djupfjordheia (510m) if the weather is good, or next to the cabin of munke-bu if the weather is not to good.

For some of us (maybe 4-5 people) who would like an extented trip, is it enough time to hike Hermannsdalstinden (after lunch) as well (we need to be back in Sørvågen no later than 7pm)?

If some of you would like to go all the way up to Hermandalstinden and are experimented hikers, I would recomend to make 2 different groups, and not wait for the slower ones, because the way up to Hermandalstinden is quite long from Moskenes or Sorvagen, even for trained hikers.

One group could go up toward munken in a slower tempo, and the the second group could go to Munke-bu and directly from there continue to Hermandalstinden (so skip Munken).

Leaving at 9:00 and coming back at 7:00pm should be possible, if you are well trained (for Hermandalstinden) or medium trained (for Munken).

I would recomend walking sticks for people going up to Munken and that are not used to long walks (especially for the way back).

For my part I think the view is the best from Munken, but Hermanndalstinden is also very nice.

Have a nice walk in the Lofoten :)


113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm

Thank you very much, Magdalena :)

Ideally, we wanted to find ONE mountain top that the whole group can manage. If we go from Moskenesvågen that mountain top could be Munken. If we pass Munkebu on the way up, it is also good that everyone has the option whether to continue all the way up to Munken or wait for the rest of the group at Munkebu. If the weather is bad (which we hope not 8-) ) they could also wait inside. But we would like as many as possible to go to the top of Munken, take a nice group photo and share the memories :)

We were thinking about eating lunch together at Munkebu on the return trip from Munken, but if time does not permit to go all the way to Hermannsdalstinden for the most experienced hikers (4-5 people) on one day, is there a good alternative for an extended trip from Munken? Is it possible to go from Munken to Veinestinden and Tennestinden? Or other alternatives?

We appreciate all the help we can get :)



2 0
Thu Jul 14, 2016, 11:21 am
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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