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The Moderator

 Wed Apr 24, 2024, 9:27 pm
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Hei alle sammen!

I am a curious student from Lithuania, right now living in Denmark for 5 months. I am going to visit Lofoten (will be staying in Å, Moskenes) with few friends and relatives between 17 and 24 of May. Most of us are going to go fishing most of the time, but as a nature lover I would love to see more than a fishing boat can provide. As a first time visitor of Lofoten I would be very happy to get some suggestions on hike routes from more experienced hikers.

I am really glad that I discovered this page, which has everything I needed about Lofoten. You have so many hiking routes all over Lofoten, but as I am going to be there a week only, I would love to get some suggestions on your favorite day loops, or some routes, that would be possible to start and finish at the same spot on the same day. I can go the same way back, it is not a problem. Of course, I would prefer routes that does not require any climbing equipment and gear, as I have no experience in difficult hiking...

In case this sounds like a too difficult request, I would be very happy to get at least some of your most loved routes, or spots/viewpoints with your favorite views around Lofoten, that are closer to Å. But I will have a car, so the farther ones will be also quite easily reachable!

I am not sure yet if I will be going for hiking alone or not, but in case anyone is living not too far away from Å and Moskenes, and will be able to find some free time next week, tell me - I will be really happy to meetup and have a nice hike somewhere in Lofoten with you!

Thank you very very much in advance! Can't wait to visit this place, that I was dreaming of for a long time...

Greetings from Denmark, Roskilde!



Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries.


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