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 Thu Apr 18, 2024, 9:52 pm
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Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries.

This is an awesome website and forum, and I've found a lot of information!

Buuuut I've got a problem!

Though I am somewhat experienced from surviving in the wild, I'm not an experienced hiker and I am insanely scared of heights haha..

I understand this will be problematic for me.

Driving on the Norwegian mountain roads are more than enough for me!

So, are there any hiking trails that would take me to any beautiful scenery without having to faint on the way up? :D

Are there any good ones on ground level, or at least some less extreme trails on the mountains?

I'll be going in early August.

4 0
Mon Jun 29, 2015, 8:43 pm

Hi :D

Yes of course there are some nice hikes even for those that are scared of hights ;)

But everyone is, at some point, scared of hights, so this is quite subjective.

These are my suggestions from south to north:

The round trip of the lake Agvatnet (hike n°9)

The first part of Munkan up to Djupfjordheia at 510m (hike n° 7)

Hike to Buneset beach (see Brunakseltinden Hike n° 38)

Hike to Horseidet beach (see Selfjord-Kjerkfjord n°5)

Hestraeva (N°14)

Nesland-Nusfjord (exept for a smal wooden lader you need to climb down, n°18)

Myrland-Vikten (but you should start in Nappskaret in sted of Myrland, n° 36)

Kartstaven (exept the 10-20 last meters at the summit, but you do not need to go all the way up , n°22)

Slettheia (n° 51)

Holandsmelen (n°52)

Justadtinden (n°24)

Storknubben (exept the last meters at the summit, n°62)

Well this is a good start I think,

Enjoy your trip to the Lofoten!


113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm

Og forresten... du kan godt skrive på norsk eller svensk, det går også helt fint! :D


113 0
Tue Apr 16, 2013, 12:24 pm

Hi :D

Yes of course there are some nice hikes even for those that are scared of hights ;)

But everyone is, at some point, scared of hights, so this is quite subjective.

These are my suggestions from south to north:

The round trip of the lake Agvatnet (hike n°9)

The first part of Munkan up to Djupfjordheia at 510m (hike n° 7)

Hike to Buneset beach (see Brunakseltinden Hike n° 38)

Hike to Horseidet beach (see Selfjord-Kjerkfjord n°5)

Hestraeva (N°14)

Nesland-Nusfjord (exept for a smal wooden lader you need to climb down, n°18)

Myrland-Vikten (but you should start in Nappskaret in sted of Myrland, n° 36)

Kartstaven (exept the 10-20 last meters at the summit, but you do not need to go all the way up , n°22)

Slettheia (n° 51)

Holandsmelen (n°52)

Justadtinden (n°24)

Storknubben (exept the last meters at the summit, n°62)

Well this is a good start I think,

Enjoy your trip to the Lofoten!


Thanks a lot! I'll check them out! I will only stay for a week so I won't have time for all those hikes! Could you recommend like the 5 best ones out of those? The most beautiful ones!

I write in English so others may understand. :D

4 0
Mon Jun 29, 2015, 8:43 pm
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries.


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