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The Moderator

 Fri Apr 19, 2024, 6:12 pm
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Dear All,

My wife and I (15 years experience with Trekking, Alpine tours and cross-country ski trekking with tent in Norway) like to make our first hikes on the Lofoten. We have a full week including the trip from the Netherlands, maybe a day more, starting August 15. If needed we can rent a car.

Since I am overwhelmed by the great day hikes mentioned here, I would love to receive some advice/suggestions for trips of several days. If we could do two 2/3 days treks, or one long one of 4/5 days, and add a day or two for visiting some idyllic fisherman's villages our holidays would be perfect!

We do not have specific wishes like summits or swimming; we simply love to enjoy the great outdoors. We therefore can benefit from experienced people, to avoid that we connect a few day hikes that turn out to run through terrain where pitching a tent is difficult or grabbing water from a creek is not impossible.

Since we did not book our flight yet, we can still choose to fly to Narvik Evenes, Bodo/Leknes or take the train or boat from Bodo. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance of any words of advise!


1 0
Thu Jul 16, 2015, 9:44 am
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries.


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