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The Moderator

 Thu Apr 25, 2024, 1:55 am
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Hi, first of all - thank you a lot for your book. Originally I wanted to hike the route of Lofoten Ultra Trail, but your route makes much more sense to me.

I have couple of questions I haven't found answers to in the book or in the forum.

First of all - how do I get to Delp? I have found some connections that go north of Delp but nothing going directly to place indicated. And is it available in September as well?

Second - do you by any chance have a GPX file for the route so I don't have to create it from scratch?

Why miss Reine?

Do you have any further description of the hike? I expected to find much more in the book, but it is just a short description of each segment, while other hikes are loaded with information... Sightseeing opportunities, things in the vicinity of the trail not to be missed etc.

Thank you for further guidance!

2 0
Tue Jul 3, 2018, 7:36 am


Have you look at this page ?

You will find there the answer for some of your questions.

1) How to reach Delp by public transportation (Hitchhiking is sometime quicker)

2) All the GPS tracks of each legs of the trek.(you can assemble them together in one GPX file if you like with Garmin BaseCamp for exemple)

The Long crossing as describe pass by Reine fjord (leg 9) but not though the village of Reine. Because we believe that the Reine fjord area is very beautiful (summits around the Reinfjord) but the hamlet of Reine is more for "bus tourists" ;-)

You will find all the information about the long crossing on the referred page. If you read french you can also look at this article.

Have a nice trek in the lofoten.

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am

Thank you - I actually haven't found that page on the portal before. My mistake :)

Thanks a lot

2 0
Tue Jul 3, 2018, 7:36 am
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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