Hiking to Tønsåsheia

Difficulty 4
3 to 5 hrs
9.4 km
905 m
762 m
Vest-Lofoten - 1:50 000
Until June at the summit
Type of hike :
Go back, Loop
Trail visibility :
Bonne, Moyenne, Mauvaise, Inexistante
Departure/Arrival :
Park in Nusfjord, the trailhead start at the endof the dirt road (on the other side of the village).
GPS point(s) :
Start/finish: N68 02.096 E13 20.945 Trailhead: N68 01.750 E13 20.935 Turn rightat this point: N68 01.741 E13 20.635 Turn rightat this point: N68 01.560 E13 18.618 Tønsåsheia summit: N68 01.865 E13 17.499 View point: N68 02.053 E13 17.233


The peak of Tønsåsheia rises up between the village of Nusfjord and the fjord of Skjelfjord. It is the starting-point of an impressive chain of peaks that are difficult to climb and which run as far as the village of Ramberg to the north of the island of Flakstad. From the top there is a magnificent panorama of the turquoise waters of Skjelfjord, the Vestfjord and Stjerntinden (934 m), the highest peak on the island. What’s more, despite the steep slope it is easy to get to the top and the path is clearly visible all along the route.


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