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Thunderstorms and lightning

Plus d'informations
il y a 5 ans 7 mois #1587 par Gelert
Réponse de Gelert sur le sujet Re: Thunderstorms and lightning
That's good to know. Thanks. 8-)

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Plus d'informations
il y a 5 ans 7 mois #1586 par david
Réponse de david sur le sujet Re: Thunderstorms and lightning
Due to the weather and the latitude it is very unlikely that you experience storm and lightning in the Lofoten Island in any season. In 15th years I might have experience storm two times and it was a light one.
In any case, if you should experience such a weather condition the recommendations would be the same then in any other parts of the world when you get a storm in the mountain.

Have a nice walk in the Lofoten Islands

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Plus d'informations
il y a 5 ans 7 mois #1585 par Gelert
How likely am I to encounte thunderstorms and lightning in Lofoten whilst hiking and camping on the trails in August?
I cannot find info of probability of this kind of weather.
I will certainly be watching weather forecasts whilst hiking. I will always be on foot. No vehicle.
Also, what is best advice if caught in a sudden lightning storm in the mountains?
Just pray? :o

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