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Choix du matériel (tente, sac de couchage, réchauds, etc.)
Which hiking gears to use (tent, sleeping bags, Backpacking Stoves, etc.) and where to find them in the Lofoten?

gas valve cartridge for the brand "campingaz"

Plus d'informations
il y a 7 ans 8 mois #1070 par ila_marengo

first of all thank you for maintaining such an informative and useful site. I am planning to do the trekking across the islands from the 12th of June and starting from Stage 3.
I have few questions about the equipment and one about transportation (i didn't find a reply so far).

1) i have a campingaz stove and according to this site it is possible to find gas cartridges (with screw valve) for Primus and MSR. Is there any cartridge available for Campingaz too? (Blue cartridges with screw valve)

2) the bus from Å-i-Lofoten to Moskenes does it start from the village or at 5km from the village along the E10? Because on the webpage you wrote "
You can walk along the road E10 (about 5 km) or take the bus 18-742 which goes to Leknes and stop at Moskenes harbor." However, from the timetable of the 18-742 i could read that the bus starts from Å-i-Lofoten.

3) To avoid walking the km on the E10 in order to get to the beginning of stage 4 you suggested hitchhiking or taking the bus from Svolvaer to Leknes and be dropped off at the second bridge. I checked the bus timetable and noticed that the bus stops at Kleppstad (end of stage 3), so does your advice imply taking the bus at Kleppstad?

4) In the small villages we will find along the trek, is there a possibility to have access to the internet (from shops, "groceries" or cafes) or internet is "confined" only at Moskenes, Reine and Svolvaer?

Thank you very much for you help.

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