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Choix du matériel (tente, sac de couchage, réchauds, etc.)
Which hiking gears to use (tent, sleeping bags, Backpacking Stoves, etc.) and where to find them in the Lofoten?

Can someone please recommend ..

Plus d'informations
il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1521 par Gelert
Réponse de Gelert sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..

david écrit: Hi,

If you have good maps and a comas and you know are to use them gps is not essential. However, if you have a good gps with the right map load in and you know how to use it it is very practical. Also, you must have in mind that having a gps with you does not dispense you to have the map and compass in case "modern technology" failed (no battery for example).

have a nice trek in the Lofoten

Thanks David
I think I'll buy the 1:50000 maps when I arrive, use a good compass and possibly the eTrex 20X.
Thanks for your advice.

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

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il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1520 par david
Réponse de david sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..

If you have good maps and a comas and you know are to use them gps is not essential. However, if you have a good gps with the right map load in and you know how to use it it is very practical. Also, you must have in mind that having a gps with you does not dispense you to have the map and compass in case "modern technology" failed (no battery for example).

have a nice trek in the Lofoten

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il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1519 par Gelert
Réponse de Gelert sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..

david écrit: Hi,

There is quite a few version of "eTrex" (10, 20, 30, 35, etc.) so it depends which one you are talking about. What I know is the cheapest version of "eTrex" don't allows you to install a proper map (like for example the Garmin Topo Experience PRO 08 Nordland Nord or any other) . Also there is quite a big difference in models which have an antenna and model without an antenna. I have experience that the model with out a real antenna (like eTrex) can loose satellite signal when you are in a deep valley or under a steep mountain (which is often the case in the Lofoten).
I am not an expert on GPS ;-) but I personally use the GPSMAP64st very often and I am quite satisfied with it.

. . . .

Thanks David.
I am talking about the eTrex 20x.
Any good for suitability?
Also, am I being too fussy about a GPS? As I've never visited Lofoten, is a GPS essential equipment or is a paper map bought in Lofoten, and a compass all that I will need for trail hiking?

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

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il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1518 par david
Réponse de david sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..

There is quite a few version of "eTrex" (10, 20, 30, 35, etc.) so it depends which one you are talking about. What I know is the cheapest version of "eTrex" don't allows you to install a proper map (like for example the Garmin Topo Experience PRO 08 Nordland Nord or any other) . Also there is quite a big difference in models which have an antenna and model without an antenna. I have experience that the model with out a real antenna (like eTrex) can loose satellite signal when you are in a deep valley or under a steep mountain (which is often the case in the Lofoten).
I am not an expert on GPS ;-) but I personally use the GPSMAP64st very often and I am quite satisfied with it.

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il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1515 par Gelert
Réponse de Gelert sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..

david écrit: GPSMAP64st or similar are doing the job perfectly ;-)

Think I might buy the Garmin eTrex and also buy paper maps and a compass. GPSMAP64st is pretty expensive David (£340).

What do you think David? Is eTrex (£150), good enough?

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

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Plus d'informations
il y a 5 ans 10 mois #1511 par david
Réponse de david sur le sujet Re: Can someone please recommend ..
GPSMAP64st or similar are doing the job perfectly ;-)

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