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 Sam 4 Mai, 2024, 6:44 am
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Hi People,

Great website and a lot of useful information. My trip is already book for June 2019. I have all flights and ferries. I've been in Lofoten once before, but on MC. This time i'm flying over and hiking for two weeks. Anyway, i have all figure it out, except one ferry.

I will be hiking from south to north, so starting from Å.

Stage No. 9 – Selfjord Bay / Forsfjorden Fjord

Note: Caution this stage involves crossing the fjord of Reine by boat from Kjerkfjorden to Forsfjorden (approximately 20 min). The boat only does the crossing once a day during the high season, usually leaving Kjerkfjorden around 3 p.m. It is important to enquire about departure times beforehand at You should also be aware that Forsfjorden is only a request stop and you should make it clear this is your destination when you get into the boat

So, since i'm going from south, will i have a problem with this ferry from Forsfjorden to Kjerkfjorden, since it stops in Forsfjorden only on request? If not what time is the boat?

Is this info somehow accurate?

Thanks in advance

2 0
Lun 10 Sep, 2018, 9:36 pm


If you are starting from the south, don't use the ferry from Forsfjord but walk all the way to Vindstad and take the ferry from there. You will find infos here.

Have a nice trek,

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

I see. Thanks a lot. So i should look for ferry Vinstad-Kjerkfjorden.

Great news.

What about if i'd like to avoid this ferry. Is it actually possible to hike even further to Kjerkfjorden?

  • hike1.PNG
    hike1.PNG (308.73 KiB) Vu 6237 temps (s ).
2 0
Lun 10 Sep, 2018, 9:36 pm

That last idea is not a good one! You will find few posts on this forum about this impossible itinerary. Even if it look tempting on the 50.000 scale map it is not possible to hike there and it would even be very dangerous in some parts. So please don't try it ;-)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am


Sorry for reviving this old conversation. We are planning an itinerary going in the South-North direction and I am struggling to see if there are direct ferries from Vindstad to Kjerkfjorden. The only route I can find (line 18-773 on is basically travelling back to Reine (i.e. Vindstad-Reine) and then we would need to take a ferry Reine-Kjerkfjorden.

Are there any alternative that anybody would know of?

Many thanks,



1 0
Dim 16 Aoû, 2020, 2:43 pm
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