Ven 3 Mai, 2024, 1:48 pm
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I am an experienced solo mountain hiker (with GPS & compas/map reading) and I found this combi hike on wikiloc were you go from Veinstinden to Reinebringen

see link :

I am going to do the Hermandalstinden the day before (and staying overnight at the Mukebu hut) , going forward to Veinestinden the next day ... I wonder if I could go further towards Reinebringen en go down that way ?

can this really be done ? ... As anybody some info for me ?

Kind regards,


2 0
Dim 30 Mai, 2021, 9:37 pm

Hello Yves,

I wouldn't recommend to do this.

Going from Veinestinden to Reinebringen is really dangerous, especially without ropes and equipment. It is not worth taking a risk that big just to connect 2 mountains. I wouldn't take it even in the Himalayas, but here we are just talking about to small tops bellow 1000m in altitude. The mountains in the Lofoten can be very dangerous despite the fact that the altitudes are relatively low. I have lost two Norwegian friends, that were extremely experimented hikers some years ago. It is never worth to take any unnecessary risk while hiking, never, and even when not taking any risks the mountain can be unpredictable.

Once you are at Veinestinden, go down towards Djupfjorden (see the gpx track on this website), and then join the E10 road that you can follow toward Reine. You will quickly arrive to the start of Reinebringen (it is a very short climb).

Enjoy your hollidays in the Lofoten, and be careful please :)


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Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm
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