Ven 3 Mai, 2024, 6:49 am
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Me and my partner are coming to Lofoten from 1-10 May and will be backpacking around various different wild camping spots, with the aim of ascending some summits as well. Can anyone tell me what snow conditions are like at the moment? It's difficult to tell from the webcams other than there seems to be a lot of it. E.g. where is the snow line, how deep the snowpack is? If anyone's got any information about routes up particular mountains in snow that would be useful to. We're mainly interested in the Moskensoya area, e.g. Hermannsdalstinden, amount of snow at Manukebu, Helvetestinden, Markan, Ulvstinden, Ryten.

I should add that we're both experienced winter mountaineers and will be carrying ice axe, crampons, etc.



2 0
Dim 7 Déc, 2014, 11:02 am


Actually there is not much snow on the Lofoten. On Moskenesøya the snow start around the altitude of 200m, but it is mainly fresh snow and most of it will probably melt next week if we can rely on the weather forecast ;-)

You will still find a large quantity of snow above 500/600m (Munkan, Hermannsdalstinden, etc.) but with the right equipment it should not be an issue. Of course I will strongly advise you to check the weather conditions again when you arrive here, since weather can still change quickly at this season and spring has not totally come to the Lofoten yet ;-)

Have a safe journey in the Lofoten,

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks for your quick reply and very useful information! Looking forward to exploring the area.



2 0
Dim 7 Déc, 2014, 11:02 am
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