Sam 11 Mai, 2024, 10:08 am
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I would like to start by saying that I know the summer 2016 ferry times from Bodo - Moskenes are not available yet. My understanding is that these are normally released around March or April. So I am aware that the result of this post will not be the definite schedule - I'm just hoping to get an idea of the additional summer times that "could" be available on a Saturday from Bodo to Moskenes.

The issue for me is that my summer trip puts me into Bodo on a Friday night and needing to get to Moskenes as early as possible on Saturday. The non summer timeline found here does not have a ferry leaving Bodo and getting to Moskenes any earlier than 15:00 :(

I did a bit of digging and found an old schedule for summer 2011 here This schedule shows several ferries from Bodo to Moskenes on Saturday Morning (three if my understanding of schedule is correct). I guess my general question after all this build up is if anyone has had experience with summer ferries in recent years and could comment on if they usually include Saturday morning times from Bodo to Moskenes it would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to buy plane tickets in advance and this information would be vital to our trip - thanks!!


4 0
Mer 20 Jan, 2016, 2:12 pm

Hey Nate - This looks like the June to August schedule from last year. Probably gives a more accurate picture than the 2011 sched.

Let me know if this helps.



4 0
Lun 18 Jan, 2016, 5:17 am
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