Sam 4 Mai, 2024, 10:23 am
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From 12 to 25 August, my boyfriend and I will try to do La grande traversée des Lofoten du nord au sud. I have some questions for you :) :

- the water is the thing that worries us the most, are there always water points? Or is there a risk of staying without water for a few days?

- is drinking water or is it necessary to put a filter or pads to purify it?

- are the camping open during the central part of August?

- In August, can we find buses or are they less frequent?

- how we supply food, what should we bring? Do you have any advice?

- among the various stages, are there also paths exposed?

- in your guide, is there also the description of the 11 stages of La grande traversée des Lofoten du nord au sud?

Thank you and congratulation on this website, is the best!


2 0
Dim 22 Jul, 2018, 9:26 pm


- the water is the thing that worries us the most, are there always water points? Or is there a risk of staying without water for a few days?

No risk of staying without water for a few days, you will find lakes and small streams.

- is drinking water or is it necessary to put a filter or pads to purify it?

The sheep are the main concern regarding water polution, I wouldn't drink the water everywhere, without any filtering/boiling. Sheep have the tendency to climb all the way up the highest tops (even the hardest sumits where there is little grass to eat): probably to enjoy the views.! So if you see any sheep at the start of a hike (or their dropping), you should filter the water. The good thing is that in some places there are no sheep at all, then it should be safe :) Of course don't take water from very small lakes of stagnating water.

- are the camping open during the central part of August?


- In August, can we find buses or are they less frequent?

Less frequent after the 15/08, but you have some more busses on school days

- how we supply food, what should we bring? Do you have any advice?

Freeze dryed food (that you can find in sport stores) is quite expensive in Norway. You could bring along a small fishing line with you if you know how to use it, there is plenty of fish :)

You can find most things in the Lofoten's but everything is quite expensive compared to the rest of Norway and rest of Europe.

- among the various stages, are there also paths exposed?

Yes, please see the warnings (in color) on the dedicated page

- in your guide, is there also the description of the 11 stages of La grande traversée des Lofoten du nord au sud?

Yes, but it is quite short, compared to the hike description. Much of the crossing is made of "day-hikes", so with the hike descriptions; you can do most of it!


113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm

Hi! Thank you so much for your advices.

I have a last question, is it possible to do the La grande traversée des îles Lofoten in reverse? From from the south to the north of the Lofoten?


2 0
Dim 22 Jul, 2018, 9:26 pm

Yes of course, it is possible to start the crossing from any side.

Have a nice trek in the Lofoten

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Hi. Is it allowed to hike along the roads on Lofoten please?

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

26 0
Jeu 7 Mar, 2019, 10:10 pm

It is allowed but not advisable specially in summer since the road is narrow and crowded of cars and camping cars.

The very meaning of this site is to allowed you to walk in the nature and not along the road ;-)

have a nice walk

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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