Sam 4 Mai, 2024, 4:07 pm
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Hi all,

Planning a week of hiking end of June from Fredvang to A, or northbound. Depending on the Ferry. I don't really understand the schedule. Is the boat going from Vindstad to Kjerkfjorden, or the other way around? Or does it go both directions? Seems that in the off season there is a different direction then in the high season? It will determine whether I will go north to south or south to north :)

Thanks for helping out!



1 0
Dim 29 Mai, 2016, 8:20 pm


At the time being we can only access 2018 timetable but there is no much doubt that 2019 timetable will be the same. If you look at the timetable you will see that the boat rout is the following :

Departure: Reine kai

First stop: Rostad

Second stop: Kjerkfjorden

Third stop: To Vindstad

Arrival: Reine kai

So to answer your question the boat is going from Kjerkfjorden to Vindstad and not the other way around.

You can look at the 2018 timetable here.

Have a nice tour on the Lofoten

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

The new timetable is already available, though not on their website ;-) (See "Reinefjorden")

I still have doubts whether stop at Forsjorden after Vindstad is possible. I would like to avoid that sketchy Vindstad-Forsfjorden hike... Or is it actually safe with 20+ kilo backpacks?

1 0
Jeu 11 Avr, 2019, 9:22 am
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