Sam 11 Mai, 2024, 7:21 pm
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Hi, So I am planning to come to Lofoten in April (around the 7th) and was curious as too what hikes are possible during this time of the year. Will snow and ice still be an issue at this time, and would it be dangerous to do hikes without a guide? All of us are fairly competent hikers.

1 0
Dim 10 Jan, 2016, 4:40 pm


Yes there is a high risk/chance that you will meet both snow and ice at that time of the year in the Lofoten. Despite winter condition, if you are well equipped and trained to hike in the mountain in winter there are some hikes that are accessible and “quite safe”. You should look on the site for the hikes that have the snowshoes pictogram. You should also always keep in mind, regardless of your hiking level, that the weather conditions are very unstable here and temperature changes quickly which mean an high risk for avalanches.

So be careful and go for the easy walks, unless the weather is perfectly cold and you are well equipped.

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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