Ven 3 Mai, 2024, 3:54 am
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I hope it is not a duplicate, my french is not really good.

We (2 persons) are planning our hiking trip to the lofoten islands, and I would like to ask about camping spot availablitily. Geoffey pointed out that "you might have to search a while to find the perfect spot" and I have seen similar comments in other places. I was wondering how one can put that in relation, we have been hiking in sweden(south of grövelsjön), norway (hardangervidda) and iceland, and I consider it quite normal that you sometimes have to search and/or do not lie on flat surface. So in comparison is it even more difficult to find a spot, or is it just like in other places in scandinavia (in the mountains)? We have a really small tent (about 3.2m x 1.3m) and are considering to buy a bigger one, but if you say it is more difficult than in other scandinavian mountains we probably better stick to our small one.

Cheers :)

2 0
Ven 9 Mai, 2014, 6:57 am

Hi Ronja,

No it is not a duplicate, and the forum is, of course, open to non-French speakers/writers, open to pretty much everyone (writing in English, French or Norwegian), and it is not a problem if the topic has already been discussed in French. :D

So to answer your question:

It is not more complicated, to find a spot for your tent, then in other places in Norway or Scandinavia. Especially with a very tiny tent of course, but you can use a bigger one then the dimensions you are giving in your message (3.2m x 1.30m). The only problem can be the ground itself composed often of peat (the Lofoten Islands are covered partly by peatlands or mires) and it can get very spongy and wet after some rain. If you decide to sleep high up in the mountains (which means 300m above sea level in the Loften ;) and not in the bottom of a valley/dale) you will not have this problem.

Many people are camping in the wild here, so do not worry it is not difficult!

I wish you nice hikes (and good weather) in the Lofoten!



113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm

Thanks for your quick and clear reply!



2 0
Ven 9 Mai, 2014, 6:57 am
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