Ven 10 Mai, 2024, 8:38 pm
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Hi there,

I'm interested to know whether it is safe to drink water from streams on the Lofoten Islands without treating/sterilising/filtering? Obviously, I know to only take from streams upstream of human influences such as farming etc. However, are the streams safe to drink from in natural areas? Wildlife can introduce pathogens such as giardia - is this a problem here. Is it worth us bringing a steripen or something to sterilise the water for drinking? Relying on villages for water is not an option for us.

Many thanks,


1 0
Dim 20 Jul, 2014, 8:59 am


If you read some French you will find the answer to your question here:

You can drink the water where there is no sheep, without any treatment. There are not many other kind of pollution on the Lofoten. If you are planning to camp, then you can of course boil the water for some minutes, it doesn't hurt. If not, you can bring a filter so you can drink from places where there are sheep (for example around Fredvang, if you plan to go to Kalvika, or Selfjorden on Moskenesoya... there is some farming). In the South of Moskenesoya, the mountains are to steep, so there is no farming and no pb with the water.

I have never heard about gargia in natural streams in Norway.

Have a nice trek in the Lofoten :D


113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm
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