Sam 4 Mai, 2024, 12:07 pm
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is it possible to combine the tour from Turtnbakka to Helsagga (without a boat respectively just to get to one of the starting points)

Or even start direct at A or on the tour from A to Stokkvika ?

Thanks for you help.


4 0
Mar 31 Mai, 2016, 8:39 pm

Both are “technically possible”, but you will need very good climbing skills and a complete set of climbing gears since it is totally impossible to walk there from Å-I-Lofoten, with out equipment.

Even though you are a good climber, it is dangerous and I will strongly advise you if you want to go there, to go with people which knows the way and are familiar with the Island of Moskenes. In many places you can have rocks fall the all year around.

The best (and the safest) way to go there is still to take a boat ride to reach the start of the GPX track given on this web site ;)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thanks David for your answer and the clear words. Our group has a good trekking and climbing experience but this sounds too hard and dangerous for holidays :lol:

4 0
Mar 31 Mai, 2016, 8:39 pm
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