Ven 3 Mai, 2024, 12:47 pm
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First of all, many thanks for creating a site like this. With all the information I've got using this web/forum + amazing book of Hiking the Lofoten Islands I think I am ready to take a hiking trip around Lofoten.

I am writing you because I am planning to do some hikings but not sure if is there any of them that is not recommended due to the amount of snow or whatever reasons. So I would like to get some advice from people that has been around during last week or anyone living in the area.]

(in Moskenes we will combine some of them in order to simplify the routes)

Many thanks in advance :)

These are the hikings that we will be doing:

    kvalvika bay & ryten summit

    reine (top town)


    Mun to Bruna





    volandstinden peak

    tonsasheia hike

    ramberg - stortinden

    dalstinden peak

    himmeltindan summit



    geitgallien summit


1 0
Lun 1 Avr, 2019, 9:07 pm
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