Mer 8 Mai, 2024, 4:22 am
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I was looking around for longer Lofoten hikes and came across the following long hike:

It looks like the route is roughly as follows:

Has anyone done this route? Are there any particularly dangerous spots along this route? Some of the individual peaks appear on this website, but not all of them. In particular, the descent from Blatinden over to Tuva looks like it could possibly be a bit gnarly. Has anyone done this particular stretch? Any other particularly difficult and/or dangerous spots along this route to think about during planning?

I'm visiting later this month, possibly doing this route, and maybe some other long-ish hikes. I could try to contribute some of these routes for this website if that would be helpful. This website has been great for planning hikes, and it would be nice to contribute something back if possible.



1 0
Lun 20 Mai, 2019, 8:46 pm


I have done most of the track you send here but bit by bit and not in one trip. All of it is doable, although some part of the trip will have to be done with out a clear trail to follow on the ground. Some part are very steep like for example between Frosken and Blatinden. With a good GPS Track (I have not check the one you sent) and some experience of off-trail hiking It is possible but long and strenuous ;-)

It is also a bit sad to avoid summit like Store Kongstindan with its beautiful view point.

If you get a good GPS track (with no rock climbing or other hazardous path) we will gladly get a copy to check it by our self and maybe put it online next season.

Have a safe trip in the Lofoten

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am


I will run the Lofoten high five by the end of the month. I will send you the gps track of the race.



2 0
Jeu 17 Sep, 2015, 8:49 pm

Thanks a lot, we look forward for this track, dont hesitate to give us your comment on the trip if necessary (difficult or dangerous parts of the trail).

We will check it ASP.

Have a nice trip in the Lofoten and keep on the safe side ;-)

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am
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