Dim 5 Mai, 2024, 7:59 am
 Annonce  Post-it  0  4479
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Hi my friends,

I would like to plan a cycle trip or a hike trip coupled with public transportation in Lofoten in June. I would like to ask if anyone of you cycling in lofoten before? Would you mind sharing with me your experience, like is the weather there good for cycling (if the wind is strong, or if it rains a lot), can I rent a bike in svolvaer, what clothes I should pack if I cycle there. Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

Since I am alone, so I am looking for the cheap choice. If anyone of you want a member to travel together with me (by public transportation or by car) and share the bill, I am glad to discuss the possibility with you.

Best wishes,


1 0
Jeu 23 Mar, 2023, 3:28 pm
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