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 Mer 8 Mai, 2024, 2:35 am
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Thanks for this site!

We are aiming to visit the islands in february and do some snow walking. We are serious hikers with experience on mountain tracks, but minimal experience with snow walking. We expect we will need instructions and maybe guiding for one or two days. Is it feasible to also do snow hikes on our own or would that be irresponsible?

I have two questions:

1. What guide/instructor would anyone recommend for a couple of days?

2. If it is feasible to hike without a guide afterwards, which routes would you recommend?



1 0
Ven 15 Aoû, 2014, 9:04 am

Hello Martijn,

One thing you have to be aware of in the Lofoten is that the snow conditions can be unstable because of a relatively mild winter. For example last winter 2013/2014 there was hardly no snow, so instead of snowshoeing we had to use crampons to hike on the frozen ground ;-) Hiking with snow crampons, is also fun but that means that you cannot rely 100% on snow even if you come at the coldest time of the year (February, March). At the contrary, if there is much snow, like for example in 2012/2013, Lofoten islands are a good terrain for avalanches! Lots of steep mountains, especially in the south, and deep valleys, means that you have to chose carefully your itinerary. Of course if you want to play safe, you can choose the island of Vestvagøya, which is the “flattest” one and therefore the least risky for avalanches. If you are used to winter conditions in mountainous region and you have a good map, you can snowshoe safely with out a guide. If it is not the case than you could try to join an organized group.

Together with we organize winter tours in the Lofoten from February to the beginning of April each years. The dates for this winter have not yet been set up, but if you are interested you can take contact with Exploranor for winter package trip.

Have a safe winter trip in the Lofoten Islands

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am


We are planning to spend few days in second part of March on skitouring.

Do You think it willbe enaugh of snow for skitour trips on Lofoten Islands?

Or when is the best period to come for skitours to Lofoten?

Thanks a lot and regards from Poland!


1 0
Jeu 15 Jan, 2015, 8:44 pm

Hi Kinga!

The best period for snow is from end of February to begining of April :-)

The last winters (especially last winter) have been quite strange, with not much snow and very warm teperatures up to 7 or 8°C.

This winter seems better (colder), and the snow has finaly come.

It is almost impossible to know if there will be snow or not in 2 months, but it is the period where you have statistically the most chances to get enough snow.

Do not hesitate to post some coments about your trip in the Lofoten when you are back home!



113 0
Mar 16 Avr, 2013, 12:24 pm


I'm planning to come to the Lofoten, last week of March 2015. I stay in an bed and breakfast in Ballstad.

What is the best way for me to go hiking ? 55yrs old, good condition. But no experience with such terrain.

Gr. Pieter

2 0
Lun 19 Jan, 2015, 5:34 pm
Affiche 1 à 5 des 5 entrées.

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