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 Mer 8 Mai, 2024, 3:13 am
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Im planning a trip in Norway from May 11 to May 31st and I would have like to hike in the Lofoten Island, I was wondering if this would be a good time to hike aroud this area.


2 0
Mar 23 Fév, 2016, 12:48 am


I believe it is the best time of the year, although it can be a bit fresh some time. There is hardly no tourists, generally the weather is nice and dry, and there is still snow on the mountains top.

Welcome to the Lofoten

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Thank you very much David!

I'm wondering would I need any spefic equipment to hike if there is still snow on top of the mountians in some places (like crampons)?

2 0
Mar 23 Fév, 2016, 12:48 am

Hello i'm Clément i from France and with my girlfriend we coming to Oslo the 11 of May and after i would like to go to the North ! It 's possible to track in a lofotens in this time ?

1 0
Lun 25 Avr, 2016, 8:51 pm

Bonjour Clément,

Oui il est possible de randonner aux îles Lofoten début mai. Les jours sont permanents à ce moment là de l'année et il fait souvent assez beau mais il faut aussi compter sur des températures encore basses (entre 5°C et 8°C) et, du coup, des restes de neige à basse altitude.

Bonne randonnée,

309 0
Ven 3 Mai, 2013, 5:06 am

Hi David,

I have a 30F rated sleeping back. Would it be ok, or shall I go for a 15-20? Planning to visit in May(18-25) and stay in tents on the mountains, too. Also have a sleeping pad with R value of 3.

Big thanks in advance!

5 0
Ven 22 Avr, 2016, 1:35 pm

Hi all:

I am Ari from Indonesia. I will visit Lofoten on May 19-22 by myself. Do you guys happen to know any tour service/agent which provides hiking guide in Lofoten or allows us to be part of the hiking group?

Many thanks in advance,


1 0
Ven 6 Mai, 2016, 4:47 pm

Hey everyone, after ten days on the islands here's what I've gathered (May 7th). The hiking around the coast is snow freeand the passes up to 300 meters seem to be free of snow. Inland there is still a lot of snow. I was hiking on snow everywhere above 300 meters, sometimes ankle deep and sometimes up to my knees. After a few days of this I just decided to stop trying to do longer routes across the islands or interior and look for mountains with exposed ridge lines where I could get high snow free, or little snow. If you are coming over now I would bring snowshoes for extended hiking, I really wish I had mine. If in two weeks maybe you will be ok without them as the snow is definitely melting. The past few days have been very rainy but the start of the trip mostly sunny. Shorter day hiking from hostels or hotels is totally doable. Have an open plan and be ready to change and everything will be good. It's beautiful here and I'm off for three more days of camping. Have fun!

5 0
Lun 28 Mar, 2016, 3:48 pm

Thanks very much for the update! Enjoy your stay!!!!

5 0
Ven 22 Avr, 2016, 1:35 pm

Hey pendes, just wanted to add I use a 7 F bag and I didn't zip it up, but it is cold right now up in the mountains so if you tend to get cold I would bring the warmer bag.

5 0
Lun 28 Mar, 2016, 3:48 pm
Affiche 1 à 10 des 12 entrées.

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