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The following people and organisations have given freely of their time, helping with the content and technical aspects of developing this site. The entire Rando-Lofoten team and all the site users would like to thank them warmly for their help.


Halfdan Holm
In 2014, shortly after we created this website, we were contacted by someone with an intriguing pseudo: "Hr. Frosk" (Mr. Frog in English). This person offered us routes, pictures and descriptions of the hikes he had made during the last 7 summers spent in the Lofoten Islands. We integrated his hikes and went to test them in situ, to discover they were excellent. It was only some months later that we learned that Hr.Frosk, whose real name is Halfdan Holm, was a 15-year-old boy, a Norwegian high school student, already incredibly passionate about hiking and nature!
Since, we've had the chance to do some of the hikes described on the website in his company. Haldan is currently attending the "Klatring og Topptur" class at Lofoten Folkehøgskole (climbing and mountain hiking at the Folk High school of Lofoten), and continues to feed hiking-lofoten regularly, with new original tracks...
Thank you Halfdan for sharing all this valuable knowledge, we hope that your example will inspire other hikers :)

Christian, who helped us when we began creating our site with Joomla. Many thanks for the countless hours spent spotting and correcting our mistakes. This site would probably not exist without his help.

Max, for his great Forum "Chronoforum" and the many changes he has made to it, always with the same patience, professionalism and kindness.
For further information on Max’s work:

Frank, for his essential GPXTrackmap plugin which enables us to show you our GPS traks (satellite navigation) on the best map backgrounds currently available for Norway! Thanks for the time he has spent integrating the maps into his Plugin.
For further information on Frank’s work : (Norwegian Mapping Authority), for letting us use their vector map backgrounds free of charge, and for giving us the integration codes for Joomla.
For further information on Kartverket: