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The Moderator

 Sun Apr 28, 2024, 3:00 pm
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Dear Rando team,

we spent 2 weeks at the end of August on the Lofoten. We rented a Rorbu in A, and using it as base camp we were able to hike 8 times (day I have to thanks you again for your great job and website. I used an Etrex30 gps with all the tracks downloaded from your site, and this helped us alot in the planning, preparing and walking our tracks.

We also bought the 1:50000 charts of the Lofoten (never use only a gps! always a map with you), but having the tracks already in our gps gave us the feeling of being safe. Many times we followed them, sometimes we used as "suggestion" for variations.

We went to Stokvikka, to Reinebrygge, Munkan, the 2 beaches of Kvalvikka (we made a round tour), a nice tour on Vaeroy, Nesland-Nusfjord, Napp-Andopen, and a small tour toward the Tekoppstetten (we had to stop couse of the fog).

On our trekking we met few people, but only on the most known path. Many times we were completly alone. So people, even if the paths are kind of clear (even if not really marked), watch out, better not hike alone if the tour is medium-difficult. Unfortunately is easy to fall, or step in a hole between the stones. With rain some easy paths can also be not so funny anymore.

We talked to some others hikers and few were also planning their hiking tours using this website! I don´t know if they will read this post, but... nice to have met you guys.

And again thanks Rando Team.

Adriano & Andrea

3 0
Fri Mar 7, 2014, 6:44 pm
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries.


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