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Hiking to Haveren

Difficulty 4
5 to 7 hrs
8 km
860 m
793 m
Vestvågøy - 1:50 000
June at the top
Type of hike :
Go back, Loop
Trail visibility :
Mauvaise, Inexistante
Departure/Arrival :
The hike leaves from the small village of Bø (along the 996 road ' Careful! several hamlets in the Lofoten Islands have the same name!). When you come from the south, park in the parking area on the right, just before the small bridge that crosses the stream. The most direct trail is not really visible but it starts just before the bridge and passes through a little forest of birch trees.
GPS point(s) :
Start/Finish : N68 19.202 E13 54.897 Summit : N68 17.886 E13 56.857 Crossing to Sletthaveren : N68 18.341 E13 55.873


This beautiful isolated mountain range stands to the north-west of the island of Vestvågøya, a little off the main E10 road. Hikers here are few and far between despite the fact that the area is very beautiful and offers a wide range of panoramic views. The hike is possible either as a return trip or in a loop returning via the north shore of Lake Dalvatnet.


More information about this hike...

Cover EN ptYou can read the detailed description of this hike (as well as 59 other hike descriptions), enjoy hundreds of photos, maps and practical information on the paper guidebook Hiking the LOFOTEN ISLANDS.
You'll find the guidebook on logo amazon en, as well as at the following bookstores, for 24,07£ (not including shipping).

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