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Einangen to Mortsund

Difficulty 3
2 to 3 hrs
4.8 km
630 m
513 m
Vest-Lofoten - 1:50 000
Until May at the summit
Type of hike :
Trail visibility :
Bonne, Moyenne
Departure/Arrival :
The trip can either start in Mortsund or at the Einangen pass, and you can park your car where the track starts in both ends. There is a clear path all the way, with only few difficult parts where you will have to sue your hands. The view is, as it always is in Lofoten, magnificent
GPS point(s) :
Start (Einangen pass) :N68 06.704 E13 40.314 Finish (Mortsund) : N68 05.052 E13 38.202 Summit of Ramntinden : N68 06.196 E13 40.504 Summit of Breidtinden : N68 05.938 E13 40.789 Summit of Middagstinden : N68 05.423 E13 39.582


Track proposed by Halfdan Holm

When you walk in Lofoten you often walk just straight up to the peak, and straight down again. Personally I love walking on ridges, and this is one of the few places in Lofoten where you can do exactly that.


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Cover EN ptYou can read the detailed description of this hike (as well as 59 other hike descriptions), enjoy hundreds of photos, maps and practical information on the paper guidebook Hiking the LOFOTEN ISLANDS.
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