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From Nesland to Nusfjord

Difficulty 1
3 to 5 hrs
4.9 km
500 m
90 m
Vest-Lofoten - 1:50 000
Until april
Type of hike :
Go back, Crossing
Trail visibility :
Departure/Arrival :
We advise starting from Nesland (NB the road is closed in winter). Heading south towards Reine on the E10, approximately 2 km after Ramberg take the 803 on the left after the bend to Skjelfjord. After the village of Kjelfjord the road becomes a beaten-earth track. Continue to the end of the track as far as Nesland.
GPS point(s) :
Start/finish (Nesland/Nusfjord) : Nesland: N68° 00.433' E13° 17.926' Nusfjord: N68° 02.036' E13° 20.891'


This hike is usually undertaken as a return trip. You can start either in the village of Nusfjord or the smaller village of Nesland. We recommend you start in Nesland because you get charged to go into Nusfjord when you come by road but entry is free when you arrive via the footpath ;-)


More information about this hike...

Cover EN ptYou can read the detailed description of this hike (as well as 59 other hike descriptions), enjoy hundreds of photos, maps and practical information on the paper guidebook Hiking the LOFOTEN ISLANDS.
You'll find the guidebook on logo amazon en, as well as at the following bookstores, for 24,07£ (not including shipping).

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Accessible to dogs, Family friendly
