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The Moderator

 Sun Apr 28, 2024, 9:17 pm
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Sorry if this sounds like a daft question, but I am wondering where would be a suitable place to camp (tent), once I arrive in Lofoten from the Bodo->Moskenes ferry. Perhaps only for one night or two.

I will be on foot/hiking.

Can someone please give me advice so that I can start my visit to Lofoten in the best way before I start hiking properly (with some bus journeys), northwards/Eastwards to Svolvaer?

I was considering Moskenes camping for my arrival, but someone has told me that it is not a place for tents.

Afterwards, I will hopefully be hiking and camping wherever it is permitted to do so, but also probably at Ramberg and Uttakleiv.

Thanks in advance.

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

26 0
Thu Mar 7, 2019, 10:10 pm


A god place to camp for free when you arrive by boat to Moskenes is around the little lake of Sorvagen (Sorvagvatnet). It is only 1km from the harbor of Moskenes going toward south (Sorvagen, A i Lofoten). Once you come to the lake, just walk around, on the north side of the lake (toward Munkan trail) you will find many places to set up your tent (far enough from habitation). Just leave the place clean and nobody will tell you anything and even if they should you can refer to "Allemannsretten", so no worries ;-)

Have a nice trek in the Lofoten

309 0
Fri May 3, 2013, 5:06 am

Perfect! Thanks David. ? :)

Profile pic at foot of Helvetestinden

26 0
Thu Mar 7, 2019, 10:10 pm
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries.


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